Tag: php
Deploy micro-gpodder-server on Clever-Cloud
Let say you want to deploy a micro-gpodder-server, you can use clever-cloud to do so, it’s pretty simple. Let’s go ! First, one of the best working idea is to deploying from a Git repository. Clever-Cloud provid you many ways to deploy from git, like, pushing to a remote, pulling from your github/gitlab, etc. Choose…
Deploy phpBB3 on Clever-Cloud
Let say you want to deploy phpBB on Clever-Cloud. This example is based on phpBB 3.3.11. First, for now, as far as I know phpBB can’t be deployed immutable way, so you’ll need the equivalent of a server deployment, witch mean : file-storage + data-base + php-runtime. Tools : you’ll just need a text editor…