Juste another geek’s website

  • Spring Boot 3 – multitenant OIDC with Keycloak

    Naturally Spring Security 3 allow you to do some kind of multi-tenant autentication, but you can’t use more than one OIDC tenant. Let say you are building a Spring Boot App with Spring-Boot 3.x.x and you use Keycloak as OpenID Connect provider, ans you need to validate some tokens from more than one OIDC tenant.…

  • Get the size of a mysql database

    Request that will give you the size of the different DB of your MySQL instance. Source : Stackoverflow : questions/1733507

  • Request a token from Keycloak

    Here is few command lines that you can use to retrieve a token from a Keycloak server. Feel free to add some purpose in comment.

  • How to: Spring-Boot 2.x.x Hibernate 5.x.x EhCache 3.x.x

    This post is the very short sumup of how to setup and run Hibernate L2 Cache, with EhCache 3. A version of the full documentation is here Hibernate 5.6 – Cache Since Spring-boot 2.x.x use EhCache 3.x.x to serve the caching features of Spring, and Hibernate 5.x.x use EhCache 2.x.x as cache engine to provide it’s…