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Deploy micro-gpodder-server on Clever-Cloud

Let say you want to deploy a micro-gpodder-server, you can use clever-cloud to do so, it’s pretty simple.

Let’s go !

First, one of the best working idea is to deploying from a Git repository. Clever-Cloud provid you many ways to deploy from git, like, pushing to a remote, pulling from your github/gitlab, etc. Choose your solution, then clone micro-gpodder-server repo to the deployment origin you choosed.

Login to your clever-cloud console, and create a new application (from your github or brand new), then select PHP (from github or git), you can select the minimal scaling, choose the name of your instance and the zone, and add an FS Bucket with your runtime.

Now the runtime is up, you can configure it:

  • Information: you can deploy branch ‘master/main’, add ‘https’;
  • Scalability: up to you, anyhow minimal will work;
  • Domain name: if you own an domain, read the doc to configure it;
  • Environment variable:
    CC_CGI_IMPLEMENTATION = proxy_fcgi
    CC_FS_BUCKET = /server/data:${BUCKET_HOST}
    CC_WEBROOT = /server

Now you can restart and enjoy your instance of micro-gpodder-server.





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