This blog post is a small how-to deploy a Keycloak server using Clever-Cloud. This post is a kind of extension/complement of the official Clever-Cloud blog post How to deploy Keycloak on Clever-Cloud ? I suggest you read it before continuing here.
In order to run a keycloak on Clever-Cloud, you’ll have to:
Download the Keycloak version you want to deploy:
Unzip (Untar) it into a directory.
In that directory do git init
and commit all Keycloak files into master
Mark the file ./bin/
runnable with git.
git update-index --chmod=+x bin/
git commit -m 'chmod +x bin/kc/sh'
Prepare the the runtime environment of your keycloak. Using Clever-Cloud console or CLI create a new App “Java + JAR” runtime plus a “PostgreSQL” addon, obviously you’ll map the addon to the runtime. Following Keycloak+Proxy manual, activate the Sticky Session
Environment variables, you’ll have to set-up some environment variable to run your KC server, here is an example.
CC_RUN_COMMAND="bin/ start"
KC_DB_POOL_MAX_SIZE="100" #Depend on the postgres you choosed
KC_HOSTNAME_URL="https://[URL]" #The public URL of your IDP
KC_HTTP_PORT="8080" #You can also use ${PORT}
KC_PROXY="edge" #Deprecated in KC 24.0.4, see KC_PROXY_HEADERS
KC_PROXY_HEADERS="xforwarded" #Type of forward header added by Sôzu
KEYCLOAK_ADMIN="[USERNAME]" #The username of your KC main admin
KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD="[PASSWORD]" #Keep it the most secret as possible
Now prepare for the deployment.
Add as clever
remote to your git repository the url Deployment URL
of you app, it should be a command like that: git remote add git+ssh://git@push-[node-id]-[region][APP_ID].git
Push your repo git push
(you can use clever deploy
if oyu have the Clever-Tools installed)
You should see your Keycloak instance starting, hopfully without errors.
If you make a try of this small howto, please write a feedback.
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